Eyebrows! We wax them, pluck them with tweezers, fix them with make-up. All-in-all, we dedicate our time to make them stay as we want.
Our eyebrows are extremely important. They define the face like no other feature.
Although losing the hair on our eyebrows can be disappointing, there are several ways to recover the look. One of the easiest ways to shape our brow is to use make-up.
The secrets to give them perfect form are summarized in 4 points:
The beginning of the eyebrow, or inner edge, should be aligned with the outer side of the nose.
The highest point of the arch of the eyebrow. Draw an imaginary line from the outside of the nose to the outside of the pupil. There should be the highest part of the arch of the eyebrow.
The eyebrow should end at the point of intersection between the eyebrow and the diagonal line that goes from the nose to the outside of the eye.
The lower part of the inner and outer edges of the eyebrow should be aligned horizontally.